
  • Route: Rockies
  • Ride Year: 2024
  • Hometown: Buda, TX

About: Hi everyone! My name is Sarah, and I'm the 2024 Fitness and Safety Co-Chair. Words cannot describe how excited I am to be in the T4K family!! Here's a bit about me:

I was born in Baltimore, MD but grew up in Buda, TX -- we got a taste of Austin without the housing costs ;) I'm currently a sophomore journalism student, and I'm pursuing a certificate in public policy. I'm an absolute dork about all things journalism and media, and I'm especially passionate about improving diversity and inclusion within the journalism industry. Aside from T4K, I'm a news reporter for the Daily Texan (5th semester on staff!), a journalism coach with the Moody Writing Support Program, and I'm in my 4th semester as a member of Texas Spirits.

I'm happiest when I'm outside (on brand, I know) so you'll probably catch me on hikes, bike rides, swimming at Barton Springs or dog-watching in Zilker park. I also love visiting National Parks, trying new coffee shops and going to concerts. Fun fact about me: I'm a huge foodie and am launching a food blogging account for my favorite local eats. Thank you so much for supporting the cause!

Why I Ride

I ride to show love to people in my life who have battled cancer themselves or have had to support a loved one through that fight. My papa was always one of my biggest supporters. I felt like we had an extra special connection because I was his first grandchild, and while I only got to see him once or twice a year, I knew he was always in my corner, waiting to see the next big thing I’d accomplish. He passed away from lung cancer almost a year ago, and I know if he was here today, he’d be asking me all kinds of questions about my journey to Alaska. I ride for my papa. My grandma is by far one of the strongest women I know. She’s so humble and so generous, and she fights for the people and things she cares about. She beat breast cancer and kidney cancer, and she deserves to be honored for that fight. I ride for my grandma. My dad lost his father suddenly at an early point in his life, and while it wasn’t cancer related, I want to dedicate part of my journey to his experience. I ride for my dad. My dear friend Annie lost her father, Oliver, to cancer when we lived together freshman year. I’ve learned so much about him through her beautiful stories, and I know he would have loved to see this journey. I ride for Annie and Oliver. My childhood best friend Juliana supported her mom, Jennifer, through breast cancer recovery in middle school. They’re both like family to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without the joy they bring to my life. I ride for Juliana and Jennifer.

I'm also riding to support anyone who has ever battled an eating disorder. I ride to honor my body and show it gratitude for the things it’s able to accomplish — things I often take for granted. I know the journey I’m about to make will be physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging, but I can’t wait to overcome those hurdles with the rest of my team through an experience that will shape the rest of my life.

I also ride for anyone who needs someone in their corner because the fight against cancer is something nobody should have to face alone. If you have any stories you’d like to share or people you’d like me to dedicate my Texas 4000 journey to, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

To Alaska and Back,