About Me


  • Route: Rockies
  • Ride Year: 2023

About: Hello! I'm Beril, a junior studying Biology (ecology, evolution, and behavior) and Plan II from the 210 (San Antonio)! On campus, I am involved with Texas Rock Climbing, work at the Greg climbing wall, and volunteer with the Ronald McDonald House. In my free time, you can find me running, in a hammock above Barton Creek, journaling, or rock climbing.

Here are three fun facts about me:
1. I am happiest when I get to wake up in a tent without cell service.
2. My go-to coffee order is an oat milk cortado.
3. I speak three (2.5?) languages.
4. I serve as the Fitness and Safety Chair on my team!

Why I Ride

My entire family lives in Turkey. Because of this, I didn’t have the opportunity to spend much time with my extended family, but when they first meet me, family members on my mother’s side often remark upon how similar I am to my “anneanne,” my maternal grandmother who inspires me through her trailblazing and tenacity as a dentist in Turkey in the 1950s and 60s. Unfortunately, an unknown blood cancer robbed me of the chance of meeting her. While I would have loved to have known her, the stories I've heard from her four sisters and my parents will have to suffice.

Recently cancer touched my life more closely, and it became even clearer to me that everyone needs and deserves someone to help take care of them when they are going through tough times. Because of this, I ride for my family, friends, teachers, and mentors whose lives have been affected by cancer. I was so inspired by the way that the diagnosis and treatment process highlighted qualities of bravery, compassion, and stoicism in people I already admired. Even if we think we have nothing to give, we have hope and love. With my loved ones and the loved ones of my team mates and others in mind, I hope to embark on the Texas 4000 mission of hope, knowledge, and charity in the fight for a cancer-free future. As a pre-med student, I hope to one-day make a tangible impact on the lives of others, and biking to Alaska to fight cancer is a stepping stone on that journey.

To Alaska and Back,


I also ride for these people: The Saygin/Konak Family, the Selle Family, Kirsten Gallagher and Mara Asmis, Marcela Greenfield, Ava and Sarai Meurer, Bryan and Lelaine Wagner, Richard and Sharon Daul, Donny Duggan, Mia and Cristina Cooper, Ashley and Tim Riffe.