About Me


  • Route: Ozarks
  • Ride Year: 2017
  • Hometown: Missouri City

About: I was born in Houston, Texas on November 4th, 1994. Growing up, I was surrounded by two immensely strong and compassionate women: my mother and my sister. My mother gave relentless support, making me believe that I was capable of anything I was willing to work towards. My sister always challenged me to be better, work harder, and live out my ideals. Growing up between these two women left me with a strong desire to give to others just as my mother and sister gave to me.

I believe my desire to make a positive change in the world drew me towards politics. I came to the University of Texas to study government because I wanted to understand how our politics began and evolved over time. Through my studies I have had the privilege to gain a more complete understanding of how politics works and how it can be used to enact positive change. My overarching goal is to continue learning and to use that knowledge to help others through a career in law and education.

When I'm not in class, I like to listen to music, try new foods, cook, watch movies, read anything that's well-written, hike, climb trees, bike, run, play sports, travel, write, or simply relax. I also work at the University Writing Center here at UT which allows me the opportunity to meet new people and share my love of writing. In my time at UT, I have been involved with the Liberal Arts Honors Program, the Senate of College Councils, Thinkers of Color, and the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of the Core Texts and Ideas.

Why I Ride

I ride for my mother and my sister. They taught me and continue to teach me what it means to be selfless and how to have the courage and resolve to act on your ideals. I see these princinples in the mission and membership of Texas 4000. I decided to become part of this organization because Texas 4000 gives its team members the opportunity to not only connect with, but offer crucial assistance to the countless people affected by cancer.

Although I have not had to face the harsh reality of losing a loved one to cancer, I do understand loss. When I was 11 years old, my father ceased to be a part of my life. I spent many years feeling anger and resentment, and I still grapple with the impact of his absence. Through this experience I began to understand what it means to lose someone. When I think of the countless people who have lost family and friends to cancer, I reflect on how meaningful and fulfilling those relationships must have been. I think about the lost potential...all the future moments that won't be enjoyed between two friends or a mother and daughter because cancer cut their time short. To me, it seems to be another form of needless pain and suffering. There are far too many stories of loss associated with cancer and I want to do my part to prevent more stories from being written.

I think the pillar of hope resonates most with me. I believe that cynicism and doubt have left many feeling as if the injustices, hardships, inequalities of the world are somehow permanent and implacable. However, I think that people can accomplish great things, if only they believe in the possibility of a better future. Therefore, I want to do my part to spread hope to some of those who need it most. I believe that cycling 4,500 miles to Alaska in solidarity with those affected by cancer and raising money for cancer research are symbolic and substantive ways to both fight cancer and spread hope. I greatly appreciate any donation, as the money will go towards funding crucial medical research and support services, leading to advances in the fight against cancer.