About Me


  • Route: Sierra
  • Ride Year: 2014
  • Hometown: San Antonio, TX

About: Hi All! My name's Patrick. I have never been what you would call "athletic," but I am definitely a hard-worker when it comes to overcoming obstacles. At a young age I was diagnosed with a heart condition called Long QT syndrome, which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. I underwent surgery to have an implanted defibrillator installed, which greatly lowers my risk of death from SCA, so you're all stuck with me. Sorry about it.

I'm currently in my 5th year at UT, studying Classics and Computer Science. No, I don't think that's a weird combination of things to study. Do you? I also spent my first four years of college on Texas Crew, the club rowing team, which has greatly improved my physical fitness.

I completed 2 full marathons last year, and I am hoping to run more races in the near future. So that's me I guess.

Why I Ride

I have been known to be sluggish on occasion, but I am absolutely willing to work hard when I believe in the cause. Right now, Texas 4000 is that cause.