Living Word Fellowship host Texas 4000

The Texas 4000 arrive in Guymon on June 15, 2011. The cyclists will return to Guymon Wednesday evening on their journey from Texas to Alaska. Staff file photo/Shawn Yorks

Texas 4000 is a community of cancer fighters. The riders, all University of Texas students, are the passionate young people at the heart of the organization. They train, fundraiser, educate, and bring hope to those with cancer.
Texas 4000 is the longest annual Charity Ride in the world. Pedaling over 4,500 miles, Texas 4000 is a journey that takes grit, determination, and support – that’s why we think of it as a metaphor for the battle against cancer. 

What do we hope to accomplish by riding? Our mission is to share hope, knowledge and charity from Texas to Alaska and beyond.
We share HOPE by letting those touched by cancer know that people like us are riding for them and are determined to eliminate the disease. We share KNOWLEDGE by bringing life-saving information about cancer prevention to communities large and small. We share CHARITY by making a commitment to support cancer research and lead the charge in overcoming cancer. 

We ride for those fighting cancer. We ride in memory of those lost to cancer. We ride in support of those caring for loved ones suffering with cancer. We ride to a future without cancer.
This group of 21 riders will come into Guymon and be at Living Word Fellowship Church, Wednesday, June 13th. That evening they will provide a pot luck supper in their honor. Afterward they will give a presentation explaining why they do what they do. This year Living Word Fellowship is inviting the community to join them as they welcome these ambitious young men and women.
The morning of June 14 they will be sent off with a hearty breakfast and much needed prayer as they leave our community and head down the highway once again.
If you come for the pot luck please bring some of your favorite foods for the supper on the evening of June 13 at 6:30 p.m. and have a great time of fellowship with these wonderful young people. If you would like to volunteer to help with breakfast the following morning please contact Pastor Dale Stephens at Living Word Fellowship Church, 338-1112.