Livestrong Cancer Ride Stops In North Fork

Written by Gina Clugston

NORTH FORK – On Sunday, June 16, a group of 23 bike riders from the University of Texas will be rolling into town. They are part of three teams who left Austin, Texas, on June 1, on the ride of their lives – to fight cancer.

The Livestrong Texas 4000 For Cancer is the longest charity ride in the world, and will be stopping in North Fork at the home of Barry and Nina Shrewsbury to rest and recouperate before the next leg of their 4,500+ mile journey to Anchorage, Alaska.
They will start the day in Kings Canyon National Park, arrive in North Fork at about 4 p.m., and after an overnight stay, make their way to Yosemite and then on to points north. Maps of their route are and journals from the riders are available on their website.

So what would compel 70 college kids to spend their summer riding bikes over 4,500 miles? What would spark a young person to make a 18-month commitment to training and fundraising? As mind boggling as it sounds, the answer is simple – they ride for a future without cancer.

Their mission is stated on their website: “Texas 4000 is dedicated to fighting cancer by sharing hope, knowledge and charity. We cultivate the next generation to lead the fight against cancer through our cornerstone event, a more than 4,000-mile bike ride from Austin to Anchorage.”

“When the organizers contacted me about hosting the group, I felt instantly like this was something I wanted to be involved in,” says Shrewsbury. “They will be pitching tents on my lawn, having dinner and breakfast, and be back on the road by 8 o’clock Monday morning.”

Barry, Nina and daughter Sophia will be providing dinner, showers, the use of the pool and hot tub, a restful environment, good company and a hearty breakfast for the riders. They invite anyone who wants to meet these inspiring young adults to come by at any time.

“On the menu for dinner is smoked wild turkey and wild pig cooked by my friend Tim Allen, and Steve Parks will provide the desserts,” says Shrewsbury.

For breakfast, they will serve up local eggs, bacon, sausage and toast to get everyone fueled up for the day’s ride.

“We will have a fire in the evening to get to know these motivated students,” he adds, and invites folks to participate by sharing any kind of potluck item, and bringing their instruments for an evening of music and conversation.

The Shrewsbury family asks anyone who wishes to to support the logistics surrounding the event to call them at 877-8787, or come by 31511 Ridgewood Way, Leisure Acres, North Fork.

Get to know these amazing riders by visiting their website at “Texas 4000 is a community of cancer fighters. Our riders, all University of Texas students, are the passionate young people at the heart of the organization. They train, fundraise, educate, and bring hope to those with cancer.

“The Texas 4000 family also consists of those who support our cause, including our board of directors, sponsors, partners at LIVESTRONG and MD Anderson, host families, countless donors, and all of our volunteers who help make Texas 4000 a reality every year.”

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