Cyclists on a mission riding through Erath

By the time they reach the City of Champions today, riders with the Texas 4000 will have racked up less than 200 miles. But by the time they arrive at their final destination, the bicyclists will have amassed more than 4,000 miles in a little more than two months.

According to University of Texas President Bill Powers, the Texas 4000 for Cancer charity bike ride is one of the university’s “most inspiring projects.”

This is the fifth summer for the riders to set their sights on finding a cure for cancer.

As the cyclists make their Sunday pit stop in Erath County, they will be on the second day of the trip that will take them from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska. To welcome the cancer fighting crew, Tarleton State University will provide rooming accommodations while Come Eat Mobile Soup Kitchen will serve up its first-ever meal on wheels to the touring troop. LZ, organizer of Come Eat, said the cyclists will be offered a choice of menu items at the van’s premier feeding. Read more about Come Eat in the Empire-Tribune next week.

“From Austin to Anchorage, 4,500 miles in 70 days, our students stop all across the western states to make presentations about cancer prevention and visit cancer treatment facilities,” Powers said at

According to the Web site, the cyclists are united by a common mission – to fight for a day when cancer is curable; spread hope, knowledge, and charity to everyone they meet; inspire those who are living with cancer to keep fighting; and to change the world in a meaningful and memorable way.

As the riders embark on their journey aimed at changing the world, they will also be competing for a grant available through the Pepsi Corporation. Pepsi Refresh is challenging those who believe they have a “new and fresh” idea to share with the world to compete for the grant to further their cause.

Every month, the public is invited to vote for their favorite idea, with the winners receiving between $5,000 and $250,000.

Texas 4000 has applied for the $50,000 grant to support the summer ride for the cure. To help the team in obtaining the grant, simply submit your vote at

By Amanda Kimble