Texas 4000 Hits GP

Ashley & Kevin

A couple dozen students from the University of Texas have brought a charity bicycle ride to the Peace. Texas 4000 is collecting money for cancer research. Ashley Wallace says she joined because her Mom passed away from breast cancer when Ashley was seven. “Really, just celebrate the time we had together and to show that cancer does mean that you give up. Cancer, that means fight back” says Wallace.

Another rider, Kevin Helgren, is paying tribute to his grandfather. “Kenneth Helgren, whom I lost to a rare form of blood cancer in October of 2011. Kind of an attempt at commemorating his life as well as paying respect for the role he had in mine” says Helgren

Both says the biggest highlight so far is the friendships that have formed among team member. “Its amazing when you get one group of people together, with the same common goal, you really form some special friendships” says Wallace.

The cyclists are on their way to Alaska. They travelled to Grande Prairie from Valleyview Thursday and will head to Dawson Creek Friday.

For more on this ride, check www.texas4000.org

by Curtis Galbraith

Big Country 93.1 FM. July 17, 2014.